Monday, October 6, 2008

Two-wheelin' Leah

Monday night after making a couple of visits for work, I hurried home to get dinner on the table so we could have FHE and get the kids to bed. When I pulled into the garage, there was no sign of Harwood life. I didn't think much about it--I just figured everyone was in the basement or at the neighbors. I just started preparing dinner. After a couple of minutes, I heard a raucous in the garage, so I went to see what it was all about. I opened the door to the scraggly, but ever so cute little face of Leah beaming with the most excited, accomplished expression. "I know how to ride a bike without training wheels. I just kept trying so hard," she said. There in front of me was my barely-turned-three-year-old, excited as ever to finally be joining Ben's bike world. While I was at work, Brent took the kids over to the school to teach Leah how to ride a two-wheeler. He said she picked it up so fast. What an awesome dad to take the time to teach her (when he could have chosen a handful of other things to do), and to also document this momentous occasion. The major challenge at hand is for me to devise a plan to keep tally of both Ben and Leah on wheels. Wish me luck.